Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Be Their Cheerleader

The last two weeks was state testing in the state of Indiana. Next week is state testing for reading for third grade. Don't worry, in case you missed it, another round hits at the end of April. I could record my recollections on all the testing, the 5Ws and an H (as a good journalist would), but I am going to embark on a conversation that does not required an extended response, a checklist, or even marking a bubble. But, it's the most important part of the test.

But, let's see how well you would do on a test question. It may have been a while since you have taken a test question, so do your personal best.

Directions: Select the answer the best completes the statement.

1. ______ is most important part of the test for our students.
   A. The Right Answer
   B. Confidence
   C. Noting the key words in the sentence.
   D. A and C.

Tricky question, right? But, the correct answer is B.

Confidence is how we change learning from the Inside Out. If we can help our students believe they can achieve, they will. It's really that simple. I have found myself reflecting on how can I be that cheerleader in the classroom upon every time I enter a classroom. While I have many duties, my number one duty is to my children. I feel very fortunate and blessed to carry the burden of impacting the instructional direction for 450 students daily. I have 180 days to support each child in their quest to become a responsible, caring citizen.

I find that I can do that best by being the child's cheerleader. So, for this round of ISTEP+ testing, I took the knowledge of building confidence, episodic memory, and had some fun. I visited each third, fourth, and fifth grade classroom with a cheer Lincoln shirt, knee high black socks, shorts, and a bandanna. You may or may not have seen me standing on a student's desk (yes, I specifically chose the student who I chose to stand on for that extra bump in confidence), and gave them their cheer:
              E-E-E-A-G, L-L-L-E-S, EAG-LES, EAGLES! EAGLES! EAGLES!

That was followed by a 1-2-3 mini lesson on test-taking tips to build confidence. It was not about how to solve a multi-step math program, read a passage, or write a novel. Simply put, it was a quick and easy way to let them know they can be the best they can be. Then, they made a cheer out of it!

Isn't that the job in education? Letting children know they can be the best they can be.
Inside Out. Cheer On!

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