Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Time for Them-Make it Count!

The final bell rings. The teachers line the exit to celebrate the fifth graders departure on to the next big chapter in education. They wave goodbye and walk toward the door. Some happy, some with tears, and yet others relieved. Summer is here. 

If I hear one more person tell me the joke of June, July, and August, I may not be responsible for my actions. Educators taking the summer off. Please. Get a grip. As a school principal, I am blessed win working with a staff of lifelong learners. They work to perfect their craft during the summer months. In fact, our district held a free conference and our school had e highest percentage in attendance. I'm only gloating a little-our kids are just so lucky to have people who don't take off June, July, and August. 

So, what can you do to support the teachers in your community during the summer months. So, glad you asked. Here are three simple things to make their summer months a time of rejuvenation and relaxation-while they balance a schedule of craft perfectionism for next year. 

1. Send your teacher a thank you note. Not just your kids, parents...I mean you what would happen I'd every person who read this sent an old-fashioned hand written note thanking an educator?

2. Praise in Public. Nearly every newspaper has a section dedicated to great things that happen or at least space for letters to the editor. Celebrate your school or teachers. Imagine what a positive letter to the editor about your school may have. Wowser!

3. Read to your child. Sound odd? Maybe. But, research has shown that these summer months can be regression dips in your child's learning. It's not that they forget. They just don't use it. Think of it as a bicycle. Today, my boys begged for a bike ride. It's July, mug, and 85 degrees. But, they got a bike ride. It took me a little bit of effort to relearn balance p, but I got there. Had I rode my bike daily, I would have been fine. So, read daily. 

These three simple things can make your teacher's summer a little brighter on the days when the hot, summer sun is taking a siesta. 

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